Okay, I know I've really been slacking, BUT I have good posts...
WEIGHT WATCHERS UPDATE! This is our 13th week on the plan and....
Jordan has lost 45.2 pounds!!! and FOUR INCHES off of his waist.
I have lost 15.2 pounds and one inch off of my waist :)
We've really been noticing a difference. I LOVE WEIGHT WATCHERS! I am excited to see my grandparents at Christmas... I think they are going to be like "Who are you guys?" :) Very exciting.
After Monday, I won't be watching the Eubanks anymore. I'm not sure exactly why, they just said that they "won't need me after Dec 8th" and not to take it personally... so I'm trying not to. I love those kids and I was looking forward to watching them around Christmas and being a part of all of the excitement... :( Well, it has been a great 6 months. I love those kids so much.
I did, however, pick up another babysitting "client" :) A woman called me one day and said that one of her friends referred me as a good babysitter and she wanted to meet me. Next thing I know, I am babysitting for her that Saturday. I sat for her baby today and I am scheduled for SEVEN other days this month :) That is very exciting. Her kids are very sweet too. They have three girls, one is 6 mos. One is 6? and one is 10? I think... But, they are really sweet.
Because I got "laid off" or whatever, Jordan is picking up yet another job (yes, that makes three - one full time and two part time)... He is going to be working for the mentoring company again with one of his old clients.
We will be spending christmas in Pennsylvania with my dad's family (sisters, brothers, my cousins, my grandparents on his side). Unfortunately, my sister cannot come this year! I'm so sad that I won't get to see him! I thought that I would get to see him for a whole week... but she has to work :(
The Christmas play is Dec. 14th at 6:30. I am excited. We have some great people acting in it and some really awesome people working on the set design ;)
Jordan got an early Christmas present from his cousins on Thanksgiving... they bought him ROCKBAND 2! He has been asking for Rockband since it came out and he is soooo happy. He invites everyone over to play it. It's kinda cute :)
I went to Ivy's to scrap last night and I had a really good time. I finally started my wedding album! I can't wait for the next "Sassy Scrappers" meeting (It's a "Girlfriends!" group at Christ's Church).
Well, we have visitors coming over so I better peace out. BYE!